My house has a detached garage with an in-law apartment over it. My Wi-Fi network doesn't reach the apartment. Is there any solution other than getting a second DSL line? I can't exactly string Ethernet cable over the driveway.
Well, we actually know some people who HAVE strung Ethernet cable between the second floors of their houses to share a network, but we won't name names. There are better options. Assuming even a long-range MIMO router like those mentioned above won't bridge the gap, the next best alternative is to use your existing electrical system. With HomePlug networking, you simply plug adapters into the wall, and your computing devices into the adapters, and you're done. Combination Wi-Fi access points and routers with HomePlug let you plug in Wi-Fi access points in remote locations to extend the range of your network.
HomePlug 1.0 products provide 14Mbps performance over the powerline portion of the network (similar to 802.11b), and are available from numerous vendors. Two examples are TrendNet's 125Mbps Wireless PowerLine Router, and Netgear's Wall-Plugged Range Extender Kit. The Range Extender is the perfect solution to your problem.
HomePlug AV products with better than 100Mbps performance (similar to wired Ethernet and enhanced 802.11g) are just coming out. As its name implies, HomePlug AV is designed to be used to distribute HDTV and other digital media signals around a house as well.
Well, we actually know some people who HAVE strung Ethernet cable between the second floors of their houses to share a network, but we won't name names. There are better options. Assuming even a long-range MIMO router like those mentioned above won't bridge the gap, the next best alternative is to use your existing electrical system. With HomePlug networking, you simply plug adapters into the wall, and your computing devices into the adapters, and you're done. Combination Wi-Fi access points and routers with HomePlug let you plug in Wi-Fi access points in remote locations to extend the range of your network.
HomePlug 1.0 products provide 14Mbps performance over the powerline portion of the network (similar to 802.11b), and are available from numerous vendors. Two examples are TrendNet's 125Mbps Wireless PowerLine Router, and Netgear's Wall-Plugged Range Extender Kit. The Range Extender is the perfect solution to your problem.
HomePlug AV products with better than 100Mbps performance (similar to wired Ethernet and enhanced 802.11g) are just coming out. As its name implies, HomePlug AV is designed to be used to distribute HDTV and other digital media signals around a house as well.