CloneDVD Mobile sells for a steep $39, although there's a generous 21-day trial, so you can make sure that you can't live without it before you put up your money. The interface is clearly laid out and walks you through the few necessary steps. You select your device, choose your DVD, and tell the program where to save the results.

The interface has a few confusing gotchas the first time you use it. The first time, it didn't detect our test DVD automatically; we had to tell it to look in the E: drive. The pull-down menu didn't even list E: as an option, so we had to type it in. Once we did, though, it was able to see the loaded DVD for that and all future sessions.
The Save options are also a bit confusing. At first, it looks as if you only need to type in the name of the file you're saving, but you actually need to press the Browse button next to the text field to first decide where you want it saved. After you've run the program once, the text field is automatically filled in with the last saved location.
Once it's working, CloneDVD Mobile is a fast performer and makes attractively small files with good resolution. We wish it could copy commercial DVDs, but Hollywood isn't about to let that happen.
The good: Copies DVDs in the right format for the video iPod and several other portable devices; creates high-resolution, highly compressed files.
The bad: No Mac version; can't copy protected DVDs; some of the controls are difficult at first.
The bottom line: SlySoft CloneDVD Mobile excels at copying and reformatting nonprotected DVD video for iPod use, although it can't touch commercial discs.